We wanted to build as soon as possible and needed to source recycled material, strawbales, stone, mudbricks, and everything else.

Luckily we stumbled across one builder selling demolition materials and instead of selling them to us warned us to take one of two steps: find the materials and make the design fit; or create the design and find suitable materials. His advice was invaluable as the stuff we had accumulated already would have mucked up the current design. In the end we sold some of what we had bought and decided to make sure to source material only within the current specifications.

The biggest challenge was finding recycled hard wood for the windows and doors within our budget. In the end we source hundreds and hundreds of metres of jarrah which our builders spent weeks and weeks cutting down, sanding and constructing into window and doors which are the highlight of the house. The Baltic floorboards that make up the cupboards got the same treatment.